Tuesday, May 13, 2008


" sungguh, jika ingin dibandingkan
dengan CINTA kami ini,
nyatalah ianya seperti sampah,
ketinggian CINTA golongan ini amat agung
sekali kepada rabbul izzati,
cinta kami? nafi,naif dan daif,
hakikatnya kami tidak berbuat sepereti
apa yang kami perkatakan ,
sungguh malang diri kami ini , agar kami
tidak diazab akan kerna masih benih2
CINTA yang luar biasa dari kami..... "

2:165. Dan diantara manusia ada
orang-orang yang menyembah
tandingan-tandingan selain Allah; mereka
mencintainya sebagaimana mereka
mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang
beriman amat sangat cintanya kepada
Allah. Dan jika seandainya orang-orang
yang berbuat zalim itu[106] mengetahui
ketika mereka melihat siksa (pada hari
kiamat), bahwa kekuatan itu kepunyaan
Allah semuanya, dan bahwa Allah amat
berat siksaan-Nya (niscaya mereka
menyesal). - al-baqarah

Cinta luar biasa..
Cinta seorang Kekasih kepada umatnya..
Hingga pada hembusan nafasnya yang
Lidah Rasulullah menuturkan tanpa
Ummati.. ummati.. ummati..

Cinta luar biasa..
Kisah cinta Handzalah..
Meninggalkan isteri di malam
Lantaran menyahut seruan jihad..
Akhirnya syahid di medan perjuangan..

Cinta luar biasa..
Seteguh kasih Khadijah..
Tak pernah jemu memberikan sokongan..
Rela mengorbankan segala kemewahan..
Di saat Rasulullah dan Islam
dipinggirkan. .

Cinta luar biasa..
Kisah kesetiaan Abu Bakar..
Kasih seorang sahabat yg tiada
Insan yang sentiasa membenarkan. .
Sewaktu kata-kata Rasulullah
dipersendakan. .

Cinta luar biasa..
Kisah ketabahan Hajar..
Ditinggalkan di tanah yang gersang
bersama Ismail..
Bukti kasih seorang ibu yg berlarian
mencari air..
Tatkala mendengar tangisan si anak

Cinta luar biasa..
Umpama keberanian Ali..
Di malam penghijrahan Nabi..
Menggantikan Rasulullah di tempat
tidurnya.. Crying or Very sad Crying or
Very sad Crying or Very sad

Monday, May 12, 2008

3 sekawan

Not long ago, three friends came to the
New York city. They decided to stay in
a hotel during the visit.

It so happened that their room ended up
being on the 60th floor.

The policy of the hotel was that
everynight after 12:00 a.m. the
elevators are shut down for security
reasons.The next day, the three friends
rented a car and went out to explore
the city. They enjoyed movies,
concerts, and other things throughout
the whole day. At one point, they
remembered that they have to get back
to the hotel before 12 a.m.

When they arrived, it was beyond 12
a.m. at night. The elevators were shut
down. There was no other way to get
back to their room but to take the
stairs all the way to the 60th floor.
All of a sudden, one friend got an

He said “For the first 20 floors, I
will tell jokes to keep us going. Then
another one of us could say wisdom
stories for the next 20 floors.
Finally, we will cover the other 20
floors with sad stories.”

So, one of the friends started with the
jokes. With laughs and joy,they reached
the 20th floor. Now, another friend
started saying stories that are full of
wisdom. So, they learned a lot while
reaching the 40th floor. Now, it was
time for the sad stories.

So, the third friend started thus, “My
first sad story is that I left the key
for the room in the car.”

Now, what is the point of this story?

This story resembles our lifecycle. For
the first 20 years of our life, we
spend time in joking and enjoying
whatever is out there. Then, after we
reach 20, we go into the work force,
get marriead, have kids and this is the
time when we use our wisdom. Then, if
we reach 40, we finally see the white
hairs and begin to think that my life
is coming to an end and the sadness

It’s better that we start our life in
the very beginning by remembering death
rather than preparing for it at the end
our life when very few of us have the
energy to obey Allah completely. We
should also remember that there is no
guarantee of a life of 60 years for any
of us, many have already left this
world way before that age.

May Allah give us the ability to make
use of our life before death and our
youth before old age, Ameen.



Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini">
Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini" border="0" alt="" />

Nikmat yang paling besar yang telah ALLAH s.w.t kurniakan kepada hambaNya yang bergelar manusia ialah ISLAM dan IMAN. Islam adalah agamaku. Iman adalah keyakinanku. Kini aku hampir kehilangan kedua-dua nikmat terbesar itu. KENAPA???Kerana aku bukan diriku yang dulu lagi. Hatiku dipenuhi noda dan dosa. Aku sentiasa beristighfar..bertahmid...bermunajat memuji illahi namun ia langsung tidak meresap ke hati. Aku kecewa...dosa yang ku sangka kecil itu hampir mempengaruhi segenap hati dan mindaku itu. Ya ALLAH s.w.t...ampunilah aku...ampunilah aku....ampunilah aku...aku tak layak masuk syurgaMU namun aku tak berupaya menghadapi api nerakaMU...terimalah taubatku...kembalikanlah nikmat IMAN dan ISLAM ke dalam jiwaku...kerana ia adalah syifa' ku..amiin
